In the history of Hollywood film, when a subject or individual needed to be shot and the background replaced by something else, it was done by a fascinating blend of chemical technologies. Today it's simply called Green Screen. But first came black, then blue, then yellow, then blue again. All of this was because of small ingenious advances in the process of film over the last one hundred years. With the advent of microprocessors and the digital age, cameras and video began shooting against green because this is the color least like the the skin tones and fashions we wear. In other words, the entire scene is shot, but the computer is instructed to erase all of the green and leave everything else in it's proper place as a front channel. The empty channel in the scene is then known as the alpha channel. A process which in our computer graphics programs appears something like this...
The checkered area behind the subject is the alpha channel and into this invisible channel we can substitute anything, blending it to give the appearance of the subject naturally shot within another location. We don't have to cut the channel to match his shape because the computer is simply instructed to place this alpha channel behind our front layer...
In Photoshop, we can add additional layers of other captures, texts, or logos behind our front layer, blending and mixing the various Southern Pix exclusive background layers...
You can expect a higher premium cost on multi-pose work like this, but probably not as much as you might think. Southern Pix has the experience and digital mastery to produce these quickly and efficiently, and you can preselect your choice of our in-house created and self-copyrighted background selections.
into scenes which can become completely original and unique works of art....
Southern Pix leaves the choice of backgrounds up to the individual leagues, institutions, or associations with whom we contract, always guaranteeing the quality of our professional photography and lighting. Whether we shoot outside, inside utilizing any of our predetermined backdrops, or against a green screen backdrop, you can always count on us, the best of the best in the industry, to accommodate your photographic needs...
So when you or your child sees a green screen behind you, it's generally as simple as taking the first shot and adding the second to produce this simple, Hollywood inspired, professional, and uniquely original work of art...
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$100 hour long Christmas photo session at the location of your choice makes the perfect gift or family Christmas card this holiday season.
116 Heron Crossing
Woodstock, GA 30188